
  1. A Break From Instagram

    2020-06-01 22:38:00 UTC
    Taking a Break From Instagram So I’m taking some time away from Instagram. Some of you may be wondering why I’m doing so. No - nothing is wrong. In fact, I have actually been quite well despite the current situation.  Like many of you, since lockdown I’ve been faced with…

  2. March 2020

    2020-04-12 23:18:18 UTC
    February/March 2020 Staying home and isolating is really making me miss these times. However, looking back on these memories, I find it’s the next best thing. These are moments I’ll cherish forever and serve as a reminder to not take anything for granted. I miss my family, my friends, the…

  3. Effective Lightroom Tips For Efficient Editing

    2020-04-02 00:49:34 UTC
    Being stuck at home in isolation has brought on a lot of boredom and freed up a lot of time for many of us. With so much spare time, it creates an opportunity to learn, grow and develop new skills. I decided I would make a video sharing some Lightroom…

  4. The Importance Of Knowing Your Gear: One Camera, One Lens

    2020-03-29 02:04:03 UTC
    The Importance of Knowing Your Gear: Shooting One Camera, One Lens As you may already be well aware, but new cameras with new features and specs come out all the time. They used to say every year there’s a new camera. With how fast technology is advancing, it seems like…

  5. Blue Hour With Austin

    2020-03-14 04:09:43 UTC
    I wanted to share these photos on its own because I’m really excited about them. Austin and I went out one Friday evening for a cruise in our cars to just relax and relieve our minds from the stresses of work. We ended up finding this little spot off a…

  6. February 2020

    2020-03-02 05:15:11 UTC
    The end of February is quickly approaching and wow, time goes by fast. I’ve been thinking hard about my future and what I want to make of it. I’ve been brainstorming ideas and thinking about different directions I’d like to go. Looking back on previous work (which I’ve been doing…

  7. Analog Photography In 2020

    2020-01-18 02:25:00 UTC
    I often look back on past photos I’ve taken. It usually gives me a fresh perspective on things and often times gives me a new appreciation for photos I may have overlooked. I recently went through some film photos, both old and new and I appreciate those photos so much…

  8. Solo Road Tripping pt. iv

    2019-12-22 19:34:53 UTC
    I just realized I never finished posting my blog about my solo summer road trip. Soooo guess here it is :) Montana is where I spent the rest of my time for this road trip. The first night in Montana, I ended up car camping in Missoula. I heard good…

  9. Some photos..

    2019-12-22 01:32:53 UTC
    Lately I haven’t really been posting on Instagram anymore. As of now I think I may have posted twice in the last month or so. I’ve still been shooting, but also a bit less. To me, I think Instagram has lost a lot of value and has a result, is…

  10. 35mm Portra 400 vs Digital - Comparison

    2019-10-13 22:55:13 UTC
    I recently posted a set of my favourite frames from my first roll of Kodak Portra 400. Like I mentioned, I was mindful of the frames I took, and tried to shoot the same or similar frames on my digital camera just to compare I’m still trying to to find…

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