Solo Road Tripping pt. iv
December 22, 2019
I just realized I never finished posting my blog about my solo summer road trip. Soooo guess here it is :)
Montana is where I spent the rest of my time for this road trip.
The first night in Montana, I ended up car camping in Missoula. I heard good…
Some photos..
December 22, 2019
Lately I haven’t really been posting on Instagram anymore. As of now I think I may have posted twice in the last month or so. I’ve still been shooting, but also a bit less. To me, I think Instagram has lost a lot of value and has a result, is…
35mm Portra 400 vs Digital - Comparison
October 13, 2019
I recently posted a set of my favourite frames from my first roll of Kodak Portra 400. Like I mentioned, I was mindful of the frames I took, and tried to shoot the same or similar frames on my digital camera just to compare
I’m still trying to to find…
First Roll of Portra 400
September 26, 2019
While on the road trip in July, I met with Marvin Boyd (@marvinboyd) in Seattle to shoot. After shooting near Green Lake, Seattle, we stopped by the Shot on Film Store where I picked up a few rolls of Portra 400
I’ve always been into shooting film, but for some…
Solo Road Tripping pt iii
September 23, 2019
After watching the Formula Drift qualifiers, I met up with Alex and Casey to say my goodbyes and decided I would head east and start making my way towards Montana. I knew I wouldn’t be able to make it there in one shot so I camped along the way and…
Solo Road Tripping pt. ii - Secret Hot Springs
August 27, 2019
One day. Two hikes. Secret hot springs. Crazy waterfalls. Need I say more
I had been wanting to visit these hot springs ever since I saw it on Andrew Kearns’ vlog. With careful planning, I figured out what was needed to make this visit happen, since I felt like it’s…
Solo Road Tripping the Northwestern States
August 6, 2019
As a result of shooting a significant amount in the Banff/Canmore area (what I call the local areas), I had the urge to take a road trip to discover some new places and meet some new faces
Before I get into any further details, let me back up a bit…
Country Liberty x Basecamp Resort
January 29, 2019
Back in November I had the pleasure of working with clothing company, Country Liberty and Basecamp Resorts for 3 days and two nights in Canmore
Country Liberty is a clothing brand started by proud owner, Sawyer Hannay in New Brunswick. As the brand continues to grow, Sawyer has reached out…
Yoho National Park
January 16, 2019
I’ve recently began shooting film once again and couldn’t be more excited. I shot a lot more film a few years ago, shooting a lot more street and city photographs. That all started to stop once I started venturing out into nature and the mountains which somehow ended up in…
City Nights With Theresa
January 16, 2019
It’s been a while since I’ve really done anything with my website and I’m sure people aren’t really even checking it out. But I enjoy putting photo sets together and looking back on them for memories and reviewing past work. With that said, I’m starting to put up more work…