
  1. First Roll of Portra 400

    2019-09-26 01:49:05 UTC
    While on the road trip in July, I met with Marvin Boyd (@marvinboyd) in Seattle to shoot. After shooting near Green Lake, Seattle, we stopped by the Shot on Film Store where I picked up a few rolls of Portra 400 I’ve always been into shooting film, but for some…

  2. Solo Road Tripping pt iii

    2019-09-23 21:26:14 UTC
    After watching the Formula Drift qualifiers, I met up with Alex and Casey to say my goodbyes and decided I would head east and start making my way towards Montana. I knew I wouldn’t be able to make it there in one shot so I camped along the way and…

  3. Solo Road Tripping pt. ii - Secret Hot Springs

    2019-08-27 03:31:36 UTC
    One day. Two hikes. Secret hot springs. Crazy waterfalls. Need I say more I had been wanting to visit these hot springs ever since I saw it on Andrew Kearns’ vlog. With careful planning, I figured out what was needed to make this visit happen, since I felt like it’s…

  4. Solo Road Tripping the Northwestern States

    2019-08-06 17:00:14 UTC
    As a result of shooting a significant amount in the Banff/Canmore area (what I call the local areas), I had the urge to take a road trip to discover some new places and meet some new faces Before I get into any further details, let me back up a bit…

  5. Country Liberty x Basecamp Resort

    2019-01-29 03:05:00 UTC
    Back in November I had the pleasure of working with clothing company, Country Liberty and Basecamp Resorts for 3 days and two nights in Canmore Country Liberty is a clothing brand started by proud owner, Sawyer Hannay in New Brunswick. As the brand continues to grow, Sawyer has reached out…

  6. Yoho National Park

    2019-01-16 21:35:18 UTC
    I’ve recently began shooting film once again and couldn’t be more excited. I shot a lot more film a few years ago, shooting a lot more street and city photographs. That all started to stop once I started venturing out into nature and the mountains which somehow ended up in…

  7. City Nights With Theresa

    2019-01-16 21:24:09 UTC
    It’s been a while since I’ve really done anything with my website and I’m sure people aren’t really even checking it out. But I enjoy putting photo sets together and looking back on them for memories and reviewing past work. With that said, I’m starting to put up more work…

  8. Drumheller Highlights

    2017-10-05 03:21:09 UTC
    I haven’t been out to Drumheller for years - not since I was little. So we took off due east instead of west to explore Alberta’s badlands.

  9. Wasootch Ridge

    2017-06-18 04:41:00 UTC
    The snow has finally melted so Keisha and I decided to hike Wasootch Ridge. It was definitely an incredible hike. Started off with quite the incline, but after about a solid half hour the views were absolutely worth it. The trail started to flatten out a bit as we continued…

  10. Borgeau Hike

    2017-06-18 04:25:00 UTC
    I have not been keeping up with posting photos on here. But hey, it’s never too late. Here are some photos from about a month ago, hiking Borgeau. I went with JB, Brandon, and Brian fairly early to capture the first light. It was gorgeous…or should I say BORGEOUS. Needless…

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