Photo talks with Brandon and James.
January 23, 2017Brandon, James, and I met up at Rosso Coffee Roasters in Inglewood. We got together to chat about photography, film, do some critiques, as well as do some shooting. I’ll keep this post short as much of it was just us talking and drinking coffee.
After coffee, we decided to walk down 9th to Esker. We arrived at the doors only to find out they were closed until later on in the month (I believe they are open now). However, we still wanted to shoot, so we just decided on shooting one floor down using the available window light for portraits. We basically just took turns shooting each other’s portraits, bouncing ideas off each other and building on each other’s creativity. It’s so good to be around such creative people to view things in a much different perspective.
I shot some photos on my phone, but the majority on a roll of Kodak Tri-X in my Nikon F100.
Photos taken January 4, 2017 - Self developed + scanned January 21, 2017