Posts tagged with Hiking
Wasootch Ridge
2017-06-18 04:41:00 UTCThe snow has finally melted so Keisha and I decided to hike Wasootch Ridge. It was definitely an incredible hike. Started off with quite the incline, but after about a solid half hour the views were absolutely worth it. The trail started to flatten out a bit as we continued…
Borgeau Hike
2017-06-18 04:25:00 UTCI have not been keeping up with posting photos on here. But hey, it’s never too late. Here are some photos from about a month ago, hiking Borgeau. I went with JB, Brandon, and Brian fairly early to capture the first light. It was gorgeous…or should I say BORGEOUS. Needless…
Grotto Canyon.
2017-01-01 17:27:00 UTCHope everyone had a safe and happy new year I took a little trip with my girlfriend and my sister (who is visiting from Montreal for the holidays). We went out to Canmore for an easy hike through Grotto Canyon. The hike isn’t so much of an incline, but the…
2016-12-27 05:18:00 UTCI hope everyone had a wonderful time over the holidays and was able to spend some quality time with friends and family! I know I did, and I may have eaten a little too much… Who am I kidding, I can never eat too much :P Before I took off…