Posts tagged with Snow
Borgeau Hike
2017-06-18 04:25:00 UTCI have not been keeping up with posting photos on here. But hey, it’s never too late. Here are some photos from about a month ago, hiking Borgeau. I went with JB, Brandon, and Brian fairly early to capture the first light. It was gorgeous…or should I say BORGEOUS. Needless…
Last minute trip - chasing light in Banff.
2017-01-23 05:46:00 UTCJanuary 22, 2017 I kind of wrote a lot for this post, and I really don’t know how well of a writer I am. If you would like the general gist of everything and skip the all the little details, just read the last bit ;) Today I had last…
Elbow Falls With Hayley
2017-01-16 18:57:00 UTCHayley and I decided to take a quick trip out to the Bragg Creek area for a little adventure and photos before the semester at SAIT starts again. I picked up Hayley from Tim Hortons at around 9:00 a.m., but quickly realized the passenger doors were frozen from washing my…
2016-12-27 05:18:00 UTCI hope everyone had a wonderful time over the holidays and was able to spend some quality time with friends and family! I know I did, and I may have eaten a little too much… Who am I kidding, I can never eat too much :P Before I took off…